system.ppu nicht gefunden. Prüfen Sie ihre fpc.cfg.

Für Fragen rund um die Ide und zum Debugger
Beiträge: 341
Registriert: Sa 25. Jan 2014, 17:50

system.ppu nicht gefunden. Prüfen Sie ihre fpc.cfg.

Beitrag von hubblec4 »

Hallo Lazarusgemeinde

Ich habe mir die Laz2.2.0(64bit) installiert als zwei-Installation auf einem Win7-64bit.

Zuvor hatte ich ein paar ältere Versionen deinstalliert.

Dann habe ich wie gewohnt ein paar Einstellungen vorgenommen...alles Prima.
Dann hatte ich im Windowsexplorer gesehen das gewisse Dateien nicht mit Lazarus verknüpft waren und habe dies manuell dann eingerichtet.
Die Datei-Icons stimmten dann wieder und ich wollte Lazarus starten aber bekomme da nun bei dem Reiter Compiler folgenden Fehler angezeigt:

"system.ppu nicht gefunden. Prüfen Sie ihre fpc.cfg."

Die fpc.exe ist korrekt ausgewählt -> passender Pfad.

Leider findet man mit Google nicht so wirklich was dazu wie man das behebt.
Ebenso kann ich nichts direkt erkennen was in der fpc.cfg einzustellen wäre.

Was muss ich also tun? Neuinstallieren?

Lazarusforum e. V.
Beiträge: 6209
Registriert: So 7. Jan 2007, 10:20
OS, Lazarus, FPC: FPC fixes Lazarus fixes per fpcupdeluxe (win,linux,raspi)
CPU-Target: 32Bit (64Bit)
Wohnort: Burgenland

Re: system.ppu nicht gefunden. Prüfen Sie ihre fpc.cfg.

Beitrag von af0815 »

Das mit den System.ppu nicht gefunden, deutet darauf hin, das die richtige FCL nicht gefunden wurde.

Einmal kontrollieren ob die FCL im FPC wirklich für die Plattform existiert, du die richtige fpc.cfg verwendest und ob in dieser fpc.cfg die richtigen Pfade drinnen stehen.

Durchsuche auch den Rechner nach fpc.cfg, nicht das es da nicht gewollte aber gefundene gibt.

Man kann zusätzlichauf der Kommandozeile den fpc aufrufen und sich anzeigen lassen, welche Dateien er verwendet.

Wenn du sekundäre Installationen verwendest, musst du beim Verknüpfen mit Dateien in Windows vorsichtig sein. Nicht das du damit ungewolltes miteinander verknüpfst. Ich verknüpfe gar keine Lazarus und fpc Dateien, damit muss ich immer mit der gewollten Lazarusinstallation starten.
Blöd kann man ruhig sein, nur zu Helfen muss man sich wissen (oder nachsehen in LazInfos/LazSnippets).

Beiträge: 1577
Registriert: Mo 2. Mär 2009, 16:45
OS, Lazarus, FPC: Laz2.2.2, fpc 3.2.2
CPU-Target: 64Bit
Wohnort: Fast Dänemark

Re: system.ppu nicht gefunden. Prüfen Sie ihre fpc.cfg.

Beitrag von Winni »


Die system.ppu sollte in diesem Verzeichnis liegen



Beiträge: 341
Registriert: Sa 25. Jan 2014, 17:50

Re: system.ppu nicht gefunden. Prüfen Sie ihre fpc.cfg.

Beitrag von hubblec4 »

@ winni

Die system.ppu befindet sich an besagtem Ort, aber ob die nun beschädigt ist oder so, weiss ich nicht.

@ af0815

Ich hatte die zwei-Installation von Lazarus bereits mehrere male gestartet und verschiedene Projekte und Packages geladen, und dabei trat dieser Fehler ja auch nicht auf.
Daher gehe ich davon das alles ordentlich installiert wurde.

Ich habe zwei fpc.cfg Dateien gefunden, eine ist im 202-Lazarus Install-verzeichnis, und die andere im 220-Lazarus verzeichnis.

Vielleicht ist ja wirklich was beim verknüpfen der Dateien mit Lazarus schief gelaufen.

Beiträge: 341
Registriert: Sa 25. Jan 2014, 17:50

Re: system.ppu nicht gefunden. Prüfen Sie ihre fpc.cfg.

Beitrag von hubblec4 »

in dem Reiter Compiler befindet sich noch ein Hilfe text in dem gesagt wird das man auch den
"zielspezifischen Compiler wie ppcx64.exe" verwenden kann.

wenn ich besagte .exe auswähle dann ist alle OK.

Mmmh... soll ich da jetzt diesen Compiler verwenden?
oder gibts dann probleme weil nicht die fpc.exe verwendet wurde?

Lazarusforum e. V.
Beiträge: 6209
Registriert: So 7. Jan 2007, 10:20
OS, Lazarus, FPC: FPC fixes Lazarus fixes per fpcupdeluxe (win,linux,raspi)
CPU-Target: 32Bit (64Bit)
Wohnort: Burgenland

Re: system.ppu nicht gefunden. Prüfen Sie ihre fpc.cfg.

Beitrag von af0815 »

die fpc.exe ist ein Stub, der dann die richtige ppc aufruft, soweit zur Theorie. Der ppcx64 ist der Crosscompiler, der dann für die richtige Kompilierung auf der gewünschten Plattform sorgt.

Es ist nicht unüblich bei secondary installationen weitere fpc.cfg zu haben. Bei mir hat jede Installtion eine eigene fpc.cfg, und die ist auf die installierten Crosscompiler abgestimmt.

Eine Lazarusinstallation hat eine fpc Konfiguration. Suche dir diese heraus und kontrolliere ob dort die Pfade stimmen. Die fpc.cfg für die andere benenne mal um. Starte deinen Lazarus und kompiliere. Stimmen deine fpc.cfg so sollte das kompilieren kein Problem machen. Gibt es plötzlich zicken so hast du irgendwas über Kreuz konfigriert.
Blöd kann man ruhig sein, nur zu Helfen muss man sich wissen (oder nachsehen in LazInfos/LazSnippets).

Beiträge: 341
Registriert: Sa 25. Jan 2014, 17:50

Re: system.ppu nicht gefunden. Prüfen Sie ihre fpc.cfg.

Beitrag von hubblec4 »

Code: Alles auswählen

# -----------------------
# Set Filenames and Paths
# -----------------------

# Both slashes and backslashes are allowed in paths

# path to the messagefile, not necessary anymore but can be used to override
# the default language

# search path for unicode binary files (FPC 2.x does not know this switch)
#ifndef VER2

# Search for $fpctarget/$fpcsubarch-$fpcmemorymodel/ subdirectory first
# for i8086 CPU
#ifdef cpui8086

# searchpath for units and other system dependent things


# searchpath for fppkg user-specific packages

# searchpath for tools

# path to the gcclib

# searchpath for libraries
Dies sind stellen in der fpc.cfg wo Pfade zu sehen sind.
und soweit ich es überblicke stimmen die alle.

Ich hatte die IDE mal dennoch gestartet -> Übergehen des Fehlers
und in den einstellungen mal direkt die ccp64.exe ausgewählt.
Lazarus geschlossen und wieder geöffnet -> kein Fehler.
Dann wieder in den Einstellungen die fpc.exe ausgewählt und da kam auch wieder der Fehlerhinweis mit der fehlden system.ppu
und auch noch ein Hinweis "fpc.exe sieht nicht korrekt aus".

Kann es auch sein das diese exe beschädigt wurde?

Lazarusforum e. V.
Beiträge: 6209
Registriert: So 7. Jan 2007, 10:20
OS, Lazarus, FPC: FPC fixes Lazarus fixes per fpcupdeluxe (win,linux,raspi)
CPU-Target: 32Bit (64Bit)
Wohnort: Burgenland

Re: system.ppu nicht gefunden. Prüfen Sie ihre fpc.cfg.

Beitrag von af0815 »

Mach eine Kommandozeile auf, gehe in das fpc Verzeichnis und rufe den compiler mit fpc mal auf mit -va als option.
Mal sehen was der ausspuckt. Schaut bei mir in etwa so aus. Da sieht man auch was der an Einstellungen verwendet ( Ist bei mir einer für den esp8266 gebauten Version). Ich habe nur sekundäre Installationen bei mir, es so 7 Stück für verschieden Zwecke. So kann ich jederzeit was löschen wenn die Installation Probleme macht. Aber man sieht auch schön welche Optionen aus dem fpc.cfg nimmt und damit auch, welches file er verwendet. Das muss so funktionieren.

Code: Alles auswählen

D:\data\lazdev\xtensa\fpc\bin\i386-win32>fpc -va
[0.001] Macro defined: WIN32
[0.002] Macro defined: MSWINDOWS
[0.003] Macro defined: WINDOWS
[0.003] Macro defined: FPC_WINLIKEWIDESTRING
[0.003] Macro defined: FPC_NO_GENERIC_STACK_CHECK
[0.003] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_WINLIKERESOURCES
[0.004] Macro defined: CONSOLE
[0.004] Macro defined: WIN32
[0.005] Macro defined: FPC
[0.006] Macro defined: VER3
[0.006] Macro defined: VER3_3
[0.006] Macro defined: VER3_3_1
[0.007] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_OPERATOR_ENUMERATOR
[0.007] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_CONSTREF
[0.008] Macro defined: FPC_STATICRIPFIXED
[0.008] Macro defined: FPC_VARIANTCOPY_FIXED
[0.008] Macro defined: FPC_DYNARRAYCOPY_FIXED
[0.009] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_MEMBAR
[0.009] Macro defined: FPC_SETBASE_USED
[0.010] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_FEATURE_SUPPORT
[0.010] Macro defined: CPUPENTIUM2
[0.011] Macro defined: FPUX87
[0.011] Macro defined: FPC_ABI_DEFAULT
[0.011] Macro defined: CPU86
[0.012] Macro defined: CPU87
[0.012] Macro defined: CPU386
[0.012] Macro defined: CPUI386
[0.013] Macro defined: CPU32
[0.013] Macro defined: CPUX86
[0.013] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_TYPE_EXTENDED
[0.014] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_TYPE_DOUBLE
[0.014] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_TYPE_SINGLE
[0.014] Macro defined: CPUINT32
[0.015] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_INTERNAL_ABS_LONG
[0.015] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_INTERNAL_ABS_INT64
[0.015] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_UNICODESTRING
[0.016] Macro defined: FPC_RTTI_PACKSET1
[0.016] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_CPSTRING
[0.016] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_CEXTENDED
[0.017] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_RESSTRINITS
[0.017] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_INTERNAL_ROX
[0.017] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_INTERNAL_SAR
[0.018] Macro defined: INTERNAL_BACKTRACE
[0.018] Macro defined: STR_CONCAT_PROCS
[0.018] Macro defined: REGCALL
[0.019] Reading options from file fpc.cfg
[0.024] Hint: Start of reading config file fpc.cfg
[0.024] Interpreting file option "#"
[0.024] Interpreting file option "# Config file generated by fpcmkcfg on 04.01.2022 - 19:26:26"
[0.025] Interpreting file option "# Example fpc.cfg for Free Pascal Compiler"
[0.025] Interpreting file option "#"
[0.026] Interpreting file option "# ----------------------"
[0.026] Interpreting file option "# Defines (preprocessor)"
[0.027] Interpreting file option "# ----------------------"
[0.027] Interpreting file option "#"
[0.027] Interpreting file option "# nested #IFNDEF, #IFDEF, #ENDIF, #ELSE, #DEFINE, #UNDEF are allowed"
[0.028] Interpreting file option "#"
[0.028] Interpreting file option "# -d is the same as #DEFINE"
[0.029] Interpreting file option "# -u is the same as #UNDEF"
[0.029] Interpreting file option "#"
[0.030] Interpreting file option "#"
[0.030] Interpreting file option "# Some examples (for switches see below, and the -? helppages)"
[0.031] Interpreting file option "#"
[0.031] Interpreting file option "# Try compiling with the -dRELEASE or -dDEBUG on the commandline"
[0.032] Interpreting file option "#"
[0.032] Interpreting file option "# For a release compile with optimizes and strip debuginfo"
[0.032] Interpreting file option "#IFDEF RELEASE"
[0.033] Interpreting file option "#WRITE Compiling Release Version"
[0.033] Interpreting file option "#ENDIF"
[0.033] Interpreting file option "# For a debug version compile with debuginfo and all codegeneration checks on"
[0.034] Interpreting file option "#IFDEF DEBUG"
[0.034] Interpreting file option "#WRITE Compiling Debug Version"
[0.034] Interpreting file option "#ELSE"
[0.035] Interpreting file option "# Strip debuginfo from the executable if not in debug mode"
[0.035] Handling option "-Xs"
[0.036] Interpreting option "-Xs"
[0.036] Interpreting file option "#ENDIF"
[0.036] Interpreting file option "# assembling"
[0.037] Interpreting file option "#ifdef darwin"
[0.038] Interpreting file option "# use pipes instead of temporary files for assembling"
[0.039] Interpreting file option "#IFNDEF FPC_CROSSCOMPILING"
[0.039] Interpreting file option "#ENDIF"
[0.039] Interpreting file option "#endif"
[0.040] Interpreting file option "# ----------------"
[0.040] Interpreting file option "# Parsing switches"
[0.040] Interpreting file option "# ----------------"
[0.041] Interpreting file option "# Pascal language mode"
[0.041] Interpreting file option "#      -Mfpc      free pascal dialect (default)"
[0.041] Interpreting file option "#      -Mobjfpc   switch some Delphi 2 extensions on"
[0.042] Interpreting file option "#      -Mdelphi   tries to be Delphi compatible"
[0.042] Interpreting file option "#      -Mtp       tries to be TP/BP 7.0 compatible"
[0.042] Interpreting file option "#      -Mgpc      tries to be gpc compatible"
[0.043] Interpreting file option "#      -Mmacpas   tries to be compatible to the macintosh pascal dialects"
[0.043] Interpreting file option "#"
[0.043] Interpreting file option "# Turn on Object Pascal extensions by default"
[0.044] Interpreting file option "#-Mobjfpc"
[0.044] Interpreting file option "# Assembler reader mode"
[0.044] Interpreting file option "#      -Rdefault  use default assembler"
[0.045] Interpreting file option "#      -Ratt      read AT&T style assembler"
[0.045] Interpreting file option "#      -Rintel    read Intel style assembler"
[0.045] Interpreting file option "#"
[0.046] Interpreting file option "# All assembler blocks are AT&T styled by default"
[0.046] Interpreting file option "#-Ratt"
[0.046] Interpreting file option "# Semantic checking"
[0.047] Interpreting file option "#      -S2        same as -Mobjfpc"
[0.047] Interpreting file option "#      -Sc        supports operators like C (*=,+=,/= and -=)"
[0.048] Interpreting file option "#      -Sa        include assertion code."
[0.048] Interpreting file option "#      -Sd        same as -Mdelphi"
[0.048] Interpreting file option "#      -Se<x>     error options. <x> is a combination of the following:"
[0.049] Interpreting file option "#         <n> : compiler stops after <n> errors (default is 1)"
[0.049] Interpreting file option "#         w   : compiler stops also after warnings"
[0.049] Interpreting file option "#         n   : compiler stops also after notes"
[0.050] Interpreting file option "#         h   : compiler stops also after hints"
[0.050] Interpreting file option "#      -Sg        allow LABEL and GOTO"
[0.050] Interpreting file option "#      -Sh        Use ansistrings"
[0.051] Interpreting file option "#      -Si        support C++ styled INLINE"
[0.051] Interpreting file option "#      -Sk        load fpcylix unit"
[0.051] Interpreting file option "#      -SI<x>     set interface style to <x>"
[0.054] Interpreting file option "#         -SIcom    COM compatible interface (default)"
[0.054] Interpreting file option "#         -SIcorba  CORBA compatible interface"
[0.054] Interpreting file option "#      -Sm        support macros like C (global)"
[0.055] Interpreting file option "#      -So        same as -Mtp"
[0.055] Interpreting file option "#      -Sp        same as -Mgpc"
[0.055] Interpreting file option "#      -Ss        constructor name must be init (destructor must be done)"
[0.056] Interpreting file option "#      -Sx        enable exception keywords (default in Delphi/ObjFPC modes)"
[0.056] Interpreting file option "#"
[0.057] Interpreting file option "# Allow goto, inline, C-operators, C-vars"
[0.057] Handling option "-Sgic"
[0.058] Interpreting option "-Sgic"
[0.058] Interpreting file option "# ---------------"
[0.059] Interpreting file option "# Code generation"
[0.059] Interpreting file option "# ---------------"
[0.059] Interpreting file option "# Uncomment the next line if you always want static/dynamic units by default"
[0.060] Interpreting file option "# (can be overruled with -CD, -CS at the commandline)"
[0.060] Interpreting file option "#-CS"
[0.061] Interpreting file option "#-CD"
[0.061] Interpreting file option "# Set the default heapsize to 8Mb"
[0.062] Interpreting file option "#-Ch8000000"
[0.062] Interpreting file option "# Set default codegeneration checks (iocheck, overflow, range, stack)"
[0.062] Interpreting file option "#-Ci"
[0.063] Interpreting file option "#-Co"
[0.063] Interpreting file option "#-Cr"
[0.064] Interpreting file option "#-Ct"
[0.064] Interpreting file option "# Optimizer switches"
[0.064] Interpreting file option "# -Os        generate smaller code"
[0.065] Interpreting file option "# -Oa=N      set alignment to N"
[0.065] Interpreting file option "# -O1        level 1 optimizations (quick optimizations, debuggable)"
[0.065] Interpreting file option "# -O2        level 2 optimizations (-O1 + optimizations which make debugging more difficult)"
[0.066] Interpreting file option "# -O3        level 3 optimizations (-O2 + optimizations which also may make the program slower rather than faster)"
[0.066] Interpreting file option "# -Oo<x>     switch on optimalization x. See fpc -i for possible values"
[0.067] Interpreting file option "# -OoNO<x>   switch off optimalization x. See fpc -i for possible values"
[0.067] Interpreting file option "# -Op<x>     set target cpu for optimizing, see fpc -i for possible values"
[0.067] Interpreting file option "#ifdef darwin"
[0.068] Interpreting file option "#ifdef cpui386"
[0.069] Interpreting file option "#endif"
[0.070] Interpreting file option "#endif"
[0.070] Interpreting file option "# -----------------------"
[0.070] Interpreting file option "# Set Filenames and Paths"
[0.071] Interpreting file option "# -----------------------"
[0.071] Interpreting file option "# Both slashes and backslashes are allowed in paths"
[0.071] Interpreting file option "# path to the messagefile, not necessary anymore but can be used to override"
[0.072] Interpreting file option "# the default language"
[0.072] Interpreting file option "#-FrD:\data\lazdev\xtensa\fpc/msg/errore.msg"
[0.072] Interpreting file option "#-FrD:\data\lazdev\xtensa\fpc/msg/errorn.msg"
[0.073] Interpreting file option "#-FrD:\data\lazdev\xtensa\fpc/msg/errores.msg"
[0.073] Interpreting file option "#-FrD:\data\lazdev\xtensa\fpc/msg/errord.msg"
[0.073] Interpreting file option "#-FrD:\data\lazdev\xtensa\fpc/msg/errorr.msg"
[0.074] Interpreting file option "# search path for unicode binary files (FPC 2.x does not know this switch)"
[0.074] Interpreting file option "#ifndef VER2"
[0.074] Handling option "-FM/unicode/"
[0.075] Interpreting option "-FM/unicode/"
[0.075] Interpreting file option "#endif"
[0.075] Interpreting file option "# Search for i386-win32/pentium2-flat/ subdirectory first"
[0.076] Interpreting file option "# for i8086 CPU"
[0.076] Interpreting file option "#ifdef cpui8086"
[0.076] Interpreting file option "#endif"
[0.077] Interpreting file option "# searchpath for units and other system dependent things"
[0.077] Handling option "-FuD:\data\lazdev\xtensa\fpc/units/i386-win32"
[0.077] Interpreting option "-FuD:\data\lazdev\xtensa\fpc/units/i386-win32"
[0.078] Handling option "-FuD:\data\lazdev\xtensa\fpc/units/i386-win32/*"
[0.078] Interpreting option "-FuD:\data\lazdev\xtensa\fpc/units/i386-win32/*"
[0.080] Handling option "-FuD:\data\lazdev\xtensa\fpc/units/i386-win32/rtl"
[0.080] Interpreting option "-FuD:\data\lazdev\xtensa\fpc/units/i386-win32/rtl"
[0.081] Interpreting file option "#IFDEF FPCAPACHE_1_3"
[0.081] Interpreting file option "#ELSE"
[0.081] Interpreting file option "#IFDEF FPCAPACHE_2_0"
[0.082] Interpreting file option "#ELSE"
[0.082] Handling option "-FuD:\data\lazdev\xtensa\fpc/units/i386-win32/httpd22"
[0.083] Interpreting option "-FuD:\data\lazdev\xtensa\fpc/units/i386-win32/httpd22"
[0.083] Interpreting file option "#ENDIF"
[0.085] Interpreting file option "#ENDIF"
[0.086] Interpreting file option "# searchpath for fppkg user-specific packages"
[0.086] Handling option "-FuD:\data\lazdev\xtensa\packages.fppkg\units\i386-win32/*"
[0.086] Interpreting option "-FuD:\data\lazdev\xtensa\packages.fppkg\units\i386-win32/*"
[0.087] Path "D:\data\lazdev\xtensa\packages.fppkg\units\i386-win32\*\" not found
[0.087] Interpreting file option "# searchpath for tools"
[0.088] Handling option "-FDD:\data\lazdev\xtensa\fpc/bin/i386-win32"
[0.088] Interpreting option "-FDD:\data\lazdev\xtensa\fpc/bin/i386-win32"
[0.088] Interpreting file option "# path to the gcclib"
[0.089] Interpreting file option "# searchpath for libraries"
[0.089] Interpreting file option "#-FlD:\data\lazdev\xtensa\fpc/lib"
[0.089] Interpreting file option "#-Fl/lib;/usr/lib"
[0.090] Handling option "-FlD:\data\lazdev\xtensa\fpc/lib/i386-win32"
[0.090] Interpreting option "-FlD:\data\lazdev\xtensa\fpc/lib/i386-win32"
[0.090] Path "D:\data\lazdev\xtensa\fpc\lib\i386-win32\" not found
[0.091] Interpreting file option "#IFNDEF CPUI386"
[0.091] Interpreting file option "#IFNDEF CPUAMD64"
[0.091] Interpreting file option "#DEFINE NEEDCROSSBINUTILS"
[0.092] Interpreting file option "#ENDIF"
[0.092] Interpreting file option "#ENDIF"
[0.092] Interpreting file option "#IFNDEF Win32"
[0.093] Interpreting file option "#DEFINE NEEDCROSSBINUTILS"
[0.093] Interpreting file option "#ENDIF"
[0.093] Interpreting file option "# never need cross-prefix when targeting the JVM"
[0.094] Interpreting file option "# (no native compiler, always cross-compiling)"
[0.094] Interpreting file option "#ifdef cpujvm"
[0.094] Interpreting file option "#undef NEEDCROSSBINUTILS"
[0.095] Interpreting file option "#endif"
[0.095] Interpreting file option "# for android cross-prefix is set by compiler"
[0.095] Interpreting file option "#ifdef android"
[0.096] Interpreting file option "#undef NEEDCROSSBINUTILS"
[0.096] Interpreting file option "#endif"
[0.096] Interpreting file option "# never need cross-prefix when targeting the i8086"
[0.097] Interpreting file option "# (no native compiler, always cross-compiling)"
[0.097] Interpreting file option "#ifdef cpui8086"
[0.098] Interpreting file option "#undef NEEDCROSSBINUTILS"
[0.098] Interpreting file option "#endif"
[0.099] Interpreting file option "# never need cross-prefix when targeting the i8086"
[0.100] Interpreting file option "# (no native compiler, always cross-compiling)"
[0.101] Interpreting file option "#ifdef cpujvm"
[0.101] Interpreting file option "#undef NEEDCROSSBINUTILS"
[0.102] Interpreting file option "#endif"
[0.102] Interpreting file option "# binutils prefix for cross compiling"
[0.102] Interpreting file option "#IFDEF FPC_CROSSCOMPILING"
[0.103] Interpreting file option "#IFDEF NEEDCROSSBINUTILS"
[0.103] Interpreting file option "#ENDIF"
[0.104] Interpreting file option "#ENDIF"
[0.104] Interpreting file option "# -------------"
[0.105] Interpreting file option "# Linking"
[0.105] Interpreting file option "# -------------"
[0.105] Interpreting file option "# generate always debugging information for GDB (slows down the compiling"
[0.106] Interpreting file option "# process)"
[0.106] Interpreting file option "#      -gc        generate checks for pointers"
[0.107] Interpreting file option "#      -gd        use dbx"
[0.107] Interpreting file option "#      -gg        use gsym"
[0.108] Interpreting file option "#      -gh        use heap trace unit (for memory leak debugging)"
[0.108] Interpreting file option "#      -gl        use line info unit to show more info for backtraces"
[0.108] Interpreting file option "#      -gv        generates programs tracable with valgrind"
[0.109] Interpreting file option "#      -gw        generate dwarf debugging info"
[0.109] Interpreting file option "#"
[0.109] Interpreting file option "# Enable debuginfo and use the line info unit by default"
[0.110] Interpreting file option "#-gl"
[0.110] Interpreting file option "# always pass an option to the linker"
[0.111] Interpreting file option "#-k-s"
[0.111] Interpreting file option "# Always use smartlinking on i8086, because the system unit exceeds the 64kb"
[0.111] Interpreting file option "# code limit"
[0.112] Interpreting file option "#ifdef cpui8086"
[0.112] Interpreting file option "#endif"
[0.112] Interpreting file option "# -------------"
[0.113] Interpreting file option "# Miscellaneous"
[0.113] Interpreting file option "# -------------"
[0.113] Interpreting file option "# Write always a nice FPC logo ;)"
[0.116] Handling option "-l"
[0.117] Interpreting option "-l"
[0.117] Interpreting file option "# Verbosity"
[0.117] Interpreting file option "#      e : Show errors (default)       d : Show debug info"
[0.118] Interpreting file option "#      w : Show warnings               u : Show unit info"
[0.118] Interpreting file option "#      n : Show notes                  t : Show tried/used files"
[0.119] Interpreting file option "#      h : Show hints                  s : Show time stamps"
[0.119] Interpreting file option "#      i : Show general info           q : Show message numbers"
[0.119] Interpreting file option "#      l : Show linenumbers            c : Show conditionals"
[0.120] Interpreting file option "#      a : Show everything             0 : Show nothing (except errors)"
[0.120] Interpreting file option "#      b : Write file names messages   r : Rhide/GCC compatibility mode"
[0.120] Interpreting file option "#          with full path              x : Executable info (Win32 only)"
[0.121] Interpreting file option "#      v : write fpcdebug.txt with     p : Write tree.log with parse tree"
[0.121] Interpreting file option "#          lots of debugging info"
[0.122] Interpreting file option "#"
[0.122] Interpreting file option "# Display Info, Warnings and Notes"
[0.122] Handling option "-viwn"
[0.123] Interpreting option "-viwn"
[0.123] Interpreting file option "# If you don't want so much verbosity use"
[0.123] Interpreting file option "#-vw"
[0.124] Interpreting file option "# begin fpcup do not remove : base settings"
[0.124] Interpreting file option "# Adding binary tools paths to"
[0.124] Interpreting file option "# plain bin dir and architecture bin dir so"
[0.125] Interpreting file option "# fpc 3.1+ fpcres etc can be found."
[0.125] Handling option "-FDD:\data\lazdev\xtensa\fpc\bin\i386-win32\;D:\data\lazdev\xtensa\fpc\"
[0.125] Interpreting option "-FDD:\data\lazdev\xtensa\fpc\bin\i386-win32\;D:\data\lazdev\xtensa\fpc\"
[0.126] Interpreting file option "# end fpcup do not remove"
[0.126] Interpreting file option "# begin fpcup do not remove xtensa-freertos"
[0.126] Interpreting file option "# Inserted by fpcup 08.01.2022 10:57:36"
[0.126] Interpreting file option "# Cross compile settings dependent on both target OS and target CPU"
[0.127] Interpreting file option "#IFDEF FPC_CROSSCOMPILING"
[0.127] Interpreting file option "#IFDEF FREERTOS"
[0.127] Interpreting file option "#IFDEF CPUXTENSA"
[0.128] Interpreting file option "#IFDEF CPULX106"
[0.128] Interpreting file option "#ENDIF CPULX106"
[0.128] Interpreting file option "#ENDIF CPUXTENSA"
[0.129] Interpreting file option "#ENDIF FREERTOS"
[0.129] Interpreting file option "#ENDIF FPC_CROSSCOMPILING"
[0.129] Interpreting file option "# end fpcup do not remove"
[0.130] Interpreting file option "# begin fpcup do not remove x86_64-win64"
[0.131] Interpreting file option "# Inserted by fpcup 08.01.2022 16:45:44"
[0.135] Interpreting file option "# Cross compile settings dependent on both target OS and target CPU"
[0.135] Interpreting file option "#IFDEF FPC_CROSSCOMPILING"
[0.136] Interpreting file option "#IFDEF WIN64"
[0.136] Interpreting file option "#IFDEF CPUX86_64"
[0.137] Interpreting file option "# Dummy (blank) config for auto-detect cross-compilers"
[0.137] Interpreting file option "#ENDIF CPUX86_64"
[0.137] Interpreting file option "#ENDIF WIN64"
[0.138] Interpreting file option "#ENDIF FPC_CROSSCOMPILING"
[0.138] Interpreting file option "# end fpcup do not remove"
[0.139] Hint: End of reading config file fpc.cfg
[0.139] Handling option "-va"
[0.139] Interpreting option "-va"
[0.140] Macro defined: ENDIAN_LITTLE
[0.140] Macro defined: FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN
[0.141] Free Pascal Compiler version 3.3.1-9884-g307c284f6a [2022/01/08] for i386
[0.141] Copyright (c) 1993-2021 by Florian Klaempfl and others
[0.142] Fatal: No source file name in command line
[0.142] Fatal: Compilation aborted
Error: D:\data\lazdev\xtensa\fpc\bin\i386-win32\ppc386.exe returned an error exitcode
Edit: Tag geändert damit der Post besser lesbar wird
Zuletzt geändert von af0815 am Fr 21. Jan 2022, 21:25, insgesamt 3-mal geändert.
Blöd kann man ruhig sein, nur zu Helfen muss man sich wissen (oder nachsehen in LazInfos/LazSnippets).

Beiträge: 341
Registriert: Sa 25. Jan 2014, 17:50

Re: system.ppu nicht gefunden. Prüfen Sie ihre fpc.cfg.

Beitrag von hubblec4 »

Hier mal die Ausgabe

Code: Alles auswählen

[0.000] Macro defined: WIN64
[0.000] Macro defined: MSWINDOWS
[0.000] Macro defined: WINDOWS
[0.000] Macro defined: FPC_WINLIKEWIDESTRING
[0.000] Macro defined: FPC_NO_GENERIC_STACK_CHECK
[0.000] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_WINLIKERESOURCES
[0.000] Macro defined: CONSOLE
[0.000] Macro defined: WIN64
[0.000] Macro defined: FPC
[0.000] Macro defined: VER3
[0.000] Macro defined: VER3_2
[0.000] Macro defined: VER3_2_2
[0.000] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_OPERATOR_ENUMERATOR
[0.000] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_CONSTREF
[0.000] Macro defined: FPC_STATICRIPFIXED
[0.000] Macro defined: FPC_VARIANTCOPY_FIXED
[0.000] Macro defined: FPC_DYNARRAYCOPY_FIXED
[0.000] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_MEMBAR
[0.000] Macro defined: FPC_SETBASE_USED
[0.008] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_FEATURE_SUPPORT
[0.008] Macro defined: CPUATHLON64
[0.008] Macro defined: FPUSSE64
[0.008] Macro defined: FPC_ABI_DEFAULT
[0.008] Macro defined: CPUX86_64
[0.008] Macro defined: CPUAMD64
[0.008] Macro defined: CPU64
[0.008] Macro defined: CPUX64
[0.008] Macro defined: FPC_CURRENCY_IS_INT64
[0.008] Macro defined: FPC_COMP_IS_INT64
[0.008] Macro defined: CPUINT64
[0.008] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_INTERNAL_ABS_LONG
[0.008] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_INTERNAL_ABS_INT64
[0.008] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_UNICODESTRING
[0.008] Macro defined: FPC_RTTI_PACKSET1
[0.008] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_CPSTRING
[0.008] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_RIP_RELATIVE
[0.008] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_CEXTENDED
[0.008] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_RESSTRINITS
[0.008] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_INTERNAL_ROX
[0.008] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_INTERNAL_SAR
[0.008] Macro defined: INTERNAL_BACKTRACE
[0.008] Macro defined: STR_CONCAT_PROCS
[0.008] Macro defined: REGCALL
[0.008] Configfile search: fpc.cfg
[0.008] Configfile search: C:\Users\Hubblec4\fpc.cfg
[0.008] Configfile search: C:\ProgramData\fpc.cfg
[0.008] Configfile search: D:\Lazarus\220_64\fpc\3.2.2\bin\x86_64-win64\fpc.cfg
[0.008] Reading options from file D:\Lazarus\220_64\fpc\3.2.2\bin\x86_64-win64\fpc.cfg
[0.008] Hint: Start of reading config file D:\Lazarus\220_64\fpc\3.2.2\bin\x86_64-win64\fpc.cfg
[0.008] interpreting file option "#"
[0.008] interpreting file option "# Config file generated by fpcmkcfg on 19.01.2022 - 19:27:44"
[0.008] interpreting file option "# Example fpc.cfg for Free Pascal Compiler"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#"
[0.008] interpreting file option "# ----------------------"
[0.008] interpreting file option "# Defines (preprocessor)"
[0.008] interpreting file option "# ----------------------"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#"
[0.008] interpreting file option "# nested #IFNDEF, #IFDEF, #ENDIF, #ELSE, #DEFINE, #UNDEF are allowed"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#"
[0.008] interpreting file option "# -d is the same as #DEFINE"
[0.008] interpreting file option "# -u is the same as #UNDEF"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#"
[0.008] interpreting file option "# Some examples (for switches see below, and the -? helppages)"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#"
[0.008] interpreting file option "# Try compiling with the -dRELEASE or -dDEBUG on the commandline"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#"
[0.008] interpreting file option "# For a release compile with optimizes and strip debuginfo"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#IFDEF RELEASE"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#WRITE Compiling Release Version"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#ENDIF"
[0.008] interpreting file option "# For a debug version compile with debuginfo and all codegeneration checks on"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#IFDEF DEBUG"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#WRITE Compiling Debug Version"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#ELSE"
[0.008] interpreting file option "# Strip debuginfo from the executable if not in debug mode"
[0.008] Handling option "-Xs"
[0.008] interpreting option "-Xs"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#ENDIF"
[0.008] interpreting file option "# assembling"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#ifdef darwin"
[0.008] interpreting file option "# use pipes instead of temporary files for assembling"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#endif"
[0.008] interpreting file option "# ----------------"
[0.008] interpreting file option "# Parsing switches"
[0.008] interpreting file option "# ----------------"
[0.008] interpreting file option "# Pascal language mode"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#      -Mfpc      free pascal dialect (default)"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#      -Mobjfpc   switch some Delphi 2 extensions on"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#      -Mdelphi   tries to be Delphi compatible"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#      -Mtp       tries to be TP/BP 7.0 compatible"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#      -Mgpc      tries to be gpc compatible"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#      -Mmacpas   tries to be compatible to the macintosh pascal dialects"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#"
[0.008] interpreting file option "# Turn on Object Pascal extensions by default"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#-Mobjfpc"
[0.008] interpreting file option "# Assembler reader mode"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#      -Rdefault  use default assembler"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#      -Ratt      read AT&T style assembler"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#      -Rintel    read Intel style assembler"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#"
[0.008] interpreting file option "# All assembler blocks are AT&T styled by default"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#-Ratt"
[0.008] interpreting file option "# Semantic checking"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#      -S2        same as -Mobjfpc"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#      -Sc        supports operators like C (*=,+=,/= and -=)"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#      -Sa        include assertion code."
[0.008] interpreting file option "#      -Sd        same as -Mdelphi"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#      -Se<x>     error options. <x> is a combination of the following:"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#         <n> : compiler stops after <n> errors (default is 1)"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#         w   : compiler stops also after warnings"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#         n   : compiler stops also after notes"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#         h   : compiler stops also after hints"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#      -Sg        allow LABEL and GOTO"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#      -Sh        Use ansistrings"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#      -Si        support C++ styled INLINE"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#      -Sk        load fpcylix unit"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#      -SI<x>     set interface style to <x>"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#         -SIcom    COM compatible interface (default)"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#         -SIcorba  CORBA compatible interface"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#      -Sm        support macros like C (global)"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#      -So        same as -Mtp"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#      -Sp        same as -Mgpc"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#      -Ss        constructor name must be init (destructor must be done)"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#      -Sx        enable exception keywords (default in Delphi/ObjFPC modes)"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#"
[0.008] interpreting file option "# Allow goto, inline, C-operators, C-vars"
[0.008] Handling option "-Sgic"
[0.008] interpreting option "-Sgic"
[0.008] interpreting file option "# ---------------"
[0.008] interpreting file option "# Code generation"
[0.008] interpreting file option "# ---------------"
[0.008] interpreting file option "# Uncomment the next line if you always want static/dynamic units by default"
[0.008] interpreting file option "# (can be overruled with -CD, -CS at the commandline)"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#-CS"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#-CD"
[0.008] interpreting file option "# Set the default heapsize to 8Mb"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#-Ch8000000"
[0.008] interpreting file option "# Set default codegeneration checks (iocheck, overflow, range, stack)"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#-Ci"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#-Co"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#-Cr"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#-Ct"
[0.008] interpreting file option "# Optimizer switches"
[0.008] interpreting file option "# -Os        generate smaller code"
[0.008] interpreting file option "# -Oa=N      set alignment to N"
[0.008] interpreting file option "# -O1        level 1 optimizations (quick optimizations, debuggable)"
[0.008] interpreting file option "# -O2        level 2 optimizations (-O1 + optimizations which make debugging more difficult)"
[0.008] interpreting file option "# -O3        level 3 optimizations (-O2 + optimizations which also may make the program slower rather than faster)"
[0.008] interpreting file option "# -Oo<x>     switch on optimalization x. See fpc -i for possible values"
[0.008] interpreting file option "# -OoNO<x>   switch off optimalization x. See fpc -i for possible values"
[0.008] interpreting file option "# -Op<x>     set target cpu for optimizing, see fpc -i for possible values"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#ifdef darwin"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#ifdef cpui386"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#endif"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#endif"
[0.008] interpreting file option "# -----------------------"
[0.008] interpreting file option "# Set Filenames and Paths"
[0.008] interpreting file option "# -----------------------"
[0.008] interpreting file option "# Both slashes and backslashes are allowed in paths"
[0.008] interpreting file option "# path to the messagefile, not necessary anymore but can be used to override"
[0.008] interpreting file option "# the default language"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#-FrD:\Lazarus\220_64\fpc\3.2.2/msg/errore.msg"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#-FrD:\Lazarus\220_64\fpc\3.2.2/msg/errorn.msg"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#-FrD:\Lazarus\220_64\fpc\3.2.2/msg/errores.msg"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#-FrD:\Lazarus\220_64\fpc\3.2.2/msg/errord.msg"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#-FrD:\Lazarus\220_64\fpc\3.2.2/msg/errorr.msg"
[0.008] interpreting file option "# search path for unicode binary files (FPC 2.x does not know this switch)"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#ifndef VER2"
[0.008] Handling option "-FM/unicode/"
[0.008] interpreting option "-FM/unicode/"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#endif"
[0.008] interpreting file option "# Search for x86_64-win64/athlon64-flat/ subdirectory first"
[0.008] interpreting file option "# for i8086 CPU"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#ifdef cpui8086"
[0.008] interpreting file option "#endif"
[0.008] interpreting file option "# searchpath for units and other system dependent things"
[0.008] Handling option "-FuD:\Lazarus\220_64\fpc\3.2.2/units/x86_64-win64"
[0.008] interpreting option "-FuD:\Lazarus\220_64\fpc\3.2.2/units/x86_64-win64"
[0.008] Handling option "-FuD:\Lazarus\220_64\fpc\3.2.2/units/x86_64-win64/*"
[0.008] interpreting option "-FuD:\Lazarus\220_64\fpc\3.2.2/units/x86_64-win64/*"
[0.016] Handling option "-FuD:\Lazarus\220_64\fpc\3.2.2/units/x86_64-win64/rtl"
[0.016] interpreting option "-FuD:\Lazarus\220_64\fpc\3.2.2/units/x86_64-win64/rtl"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#IFDEF FPCAPACHE_1_3"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#ELSE"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#IFDEF FPCAPACHE_2_0"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#ELSE"
[0.016] Handling option "-FuD:\Lazarus\220_64\fpc\3.2.2/units/x86_64-win64/httpd22"
[0.016] interpreting option "-FuD:\Lazarus\220_64\fpc\3.2.2/units/x86_64-win64/httpd22"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#ENDIF"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#ENDIF"
[0.016] interpreting file option "# searchpath for fppkg user-specific packages"
[0.016] Handling option "-FuC:\Users\Hubblec4\AppData\Local\\FreePascal\fppkg/units/x86_64-win64/*"
[0.016] interpreting option "-FuC:\Users\Hubblec4\AppData\Local\\FreePascal\fppkg/units/x86_64-win64/*"
[0.016] Path ".\AppData\Local\FreePascal\fppkg\units\x86_64-win64\*\" not found
[0.016] interpreting file option "# searchpath for tools"
[0.016] Handling option "-FDD:\Lazarus\220_64\fpc\3.2.2/bin/x86_64-win64"
[0.016] interpreting option "-FDD:\Lazarus\220_64\fpc\3.2.2/bin/x86_64-win64"
[0.016] interpreting file option "# path to the gcclib"
[0.016] interpreting file option "# searchpath for libraries"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#-FlD:\Lazarus\220_64\fpc\3.2.2/lib"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#-Fl/lib;/usr/lib"
[0.016] Handling option "-FlD:\Lazarus\220_64\fpc\3.2.2/lib/x86_64-win64"
[0.016] interpreting option "-FlD:\Lazarus\220_64\fpc\3.2.2/lib/x86_64-win64"
[0.016] Path "D:\Lazarus\220_64\fpc\3.2.2\lib\x86_64-win64\" not found
[0.016] interpreting file option "#IFNDEF CPUI386"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#IFNDEF CPUAMD64"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#DEFINE NEEDCROSSBINUTILS"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#ENDIF"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#ENDIF"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#IFNDEF Win64"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#DEFINE NEEDCROSSBINUTILS"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#ENDIF"
[0.016] interpreting file option "# never need cross-prefix when targeting the JVM"
[0.016] interpreting file option "# (no native compiler, always cross-compiling)"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#ifdef cpujvm"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#undef NEEDCROSSBINUTILS"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#endif"
[0.016] interpreting file option "# for android cross-prefix is set by compiler"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#ifdef android"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#undef NEEDCROSSBINUTILS"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#endif"
[0.016] interpreting file option "# never need cross-prefix when targeting the i8086"
[0.016] interpreting file option "# (no native compiler, always cross-compiling)"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#ifdef cpui8086"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#undef NEEDCROSSBINUTILS"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#endif"
[0.016] interpreting file option "# never need cross-prefix when targeting the i8086"
[0.016] interpreting file option "# (no native compiler, always cross-compiling)"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#ifdef cpujvm"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#undef NEEDCROSSBINUTILS"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#endif"
[0.016] interpreting file option "# binutils prefix for cross compiling"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#IFDEF FPC_CROSSCOMPILING"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#IFDEF NEEDCROSSBINUTILS"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#ENDIF"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#ENDIF"
[0.016] interpreting file option "# -------------"
[0.016] interpreting file option "# Linking"
[0.016] interpreting file option "# -------------"
[0.016] interpreting file option "# generate always debugging information for GDB (slows down the compiling"
[0.016] interpreting file option "# process)"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#      -gc        generate checks for pointers"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#      -gd        use dbx"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#      -gg        use gsym"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#      -gh        use heap trace unit (for memory leak debugging)"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#      -gl        use line info unit to show more info for backtraces"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#      -gv        generates programs tracable with valgrind"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#      -gw        generate dwarf debugging info"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#"
[0.016] interpreting file option "# Enable debuginfo and use the line info unit by default"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#-gl"
[0.016] interpreting file option "# always pass an option to the linker"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#-k-s"
[0.016] interpreting file option "# Always use smartlinking on i8086, because the system unit exceeds the 64kb"
[0.016] interpreting file option "# code limit"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#ifdef cpui8086"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#endif"
[0.016] interpreting file option "# -------------"
[0.016] interpreting file option "# Miscellaneous"
[0.016] interpreting file option "# -------------"
[0.016] interpreting file option "# Write always a nice FPC logo ;)"
[0.016] Handling option "-l"
[0.016] interpreting option "-l"
[0.016] interpreting file option "# Verbosity"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#      e : Show errors (default)       d : Show debug info"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#      w : Show warnings               u : Show unit info"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#      n : Show notes                  t : Show tried/used files"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#      h : Show hints                  s : Show time stamps"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#      i : Show general info           q : Show message numbers"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#      l : Show linenumbers            c : Show conditionals"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#      a : Show everything             0 : Show nothing (except errors)"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#      b : Write file names messages   r : Rhide/GCC compatibility mode"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#          with full path              x : Executable info (Win32 only)"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#      v : write fpcdebug.txt with     p : Write tree.log with parse tree"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#          lots of debugging info"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#"
[0.016] interpreting file option "# Display Info, Warnings and Notes"
[0.016] Handling option "-viwn"
[0.016] interpreting option "-viwn"
[0.016] interpreting file option "# If you don't want so much verbosity use"
[0.016] interpreting file option "#-vw"
[0.016] Hint: End of reading config file D:\Lazarus\220_64\fpc\3.2.2\bin\x86_64-win64\fpc.cfg
[0.016] Handling option "-va"
[0.016] interpreting option "-va"
[0.016] Macro defined: ENDIAN_LITTLE
[0.016] Macro defined: FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN
[0.016] Free Pascal Compiler version 3.2.2 [2022/01/02] for x86_64
[0.016] Copyright (c) 1993-2021 by Florian Klaempfl and others
[0.016] Fatal: No source file name in command line
[0.016] Fatal: Compilation aborted
Error: D:\Lazarus\220_64\fpc\3.2.2\bin\x86_64-win64\ppcx64.exe returned an error exitcode

Lazarusforum e. V.
Beiträge: 6209
Registriert: So 7. Jan 2007, 10:20
OS, Lazarus, FPC: FPC fixes Lazarus fixes per fpcupdeluxe (win,linux,raspi)
CPU-Target: 32Bit (64Bit)
Wohnort: Burgenland

Re: system.ppu nicht gefunden. Prüfen Sie ihre fpc.cfg.

Beitrag von af0815 »

Gibt es den Pfad "D:\Lazarus\220_64\fpc\3.2.2\lib\x86_64-win64\" bei dir ? Bei mir liegt das nicht in lib\x86_64-win64\ , sondern in units\x86_64-win64\

Irgendwie kommt mir das vor als wäre ein kleiner Dreher wo drinnen.

Und genau unter \units\x86_64-win64\rtl\ liegt die berühmte system.ppu

x86_64-win64 ist der Prozessor-System und immer im Verzeichnis rtl liegt die system.ppu für den crosscompiler.
Blöd kann man ruhig sein, nur zu Helfen muss man sich wissen (oder nachsehen in LazInfos/LazSnippets).

Beiträge: 341
Registriert: Sa 25. Jan 2014, 17:50

Re: system.ppu nicht gefunden. Prüfen Sie ihre fpc.cfg.

Beitrag von hubblec4 »

af0815 hat geschrieben:
Fr 21. Jan 2022, 21:23
Gibt es den Pfad "D:\Lazarus\220_64\fpc\3.2.2\lib\x86_64-win64\" bei dir ? Bei mir liegt das nicht in lib\x86_64-win64\ , sondern in units\x86_64-win64\

Irgendwie kommt mir das vor als wäre ein kleiner Dreher wo drinnen.
mmh...nein diese Pfad angabe gibt es tatsächlich nicht.

das "\lib" - Verzeichnis gibt es nicht. das müsste ein "\bin" sein, oder?

Lazarusforum e. V.
Beiträge: 6209
Registriert: So 7. Jan 2007, 10:20
OS, Lazarus, FPC: FPC fixes Lazarus fixes per fpcupdeluxe (win,linux,raspi)
CPU-Target: 32Bit (64Bit)
Wohnort: Burgenland

Re: system.ppu nicht gefunden. Prüfen Sie ihre fpc.cfg.

Beitrag von af0815 »

nein, im bin ist der Compiler. in units werden die vorkompilierten units gesammelt je nach Plattform für die kompiliert wird. Dir fehlen also wirklich die units.
Blöd kann man ruhig sein, nur zu Helfen muss man sich wissen (oder nachsehen in LazInfos/LazSnippets).

Beiträge: 341
Registriert: Sa 25. Jan 2014, 17:50

Re: system.ppu nicht gefunden. Prüfen Sie ihre fpc.cfg.

Beitrag von hubblec4 »

also einen ordner "units" gibts schon. da in weiteren unterordnern ist auch die system.ppu.

ich denke so langsam ich bin schneller wenn ich Laz neu installiere.

Beiträge: 4889
Registriert: Fr 8. Apr 2011, 09:01

Re: system.ppu nicht gefunden. Prüfen Sie ihre fpc.cfg.

Beitrag von wp_xyz »

hubblec4 hat geschrieben:
Fr 21. Jan 2022, 13:56
Ich habe mir die Laz2.2.0(64bit) installiert als zwei-Installation auf einem Win7-64bit [...] Dann hatte ich im Windowsexplorer gesehen das gewisse Dateien nicht mit Lazarus verknüpft waren und habe dies manuell dann eingerichtet.
Mein Vorgehen ist eigentlich immer, bei einer Sekundärinstallation keine Dateitypen mit Lazarus zu verknüpfen, da bei mehreren Versionen nicht klar ist, welche eine Datei bei einem Doppelklick öffnen soll.

Beiträge: 341
Registriert: Sa 25. Jan 2014, 17:50

Re: system.ppu nicht gefunden. Prüfen Sie ihre fpc.cfg.

Beitrag von hubblec4 »

ja das kann ich nachvollziehen.

naja, dann halt neu installieren.
